Downtown Greenville, SC

Law Blog

What to do after a car accident

For those of us who’ve experienced or witnessed car accidents, they can range from frustrating to fatal. We’ve always been taught to “call the insurance company” right afterwards.

If you are injured in a car wreck, call your car wreck injury lawyer before speaking to the other driver’s insurance … read more

Posted in Car Wreck Injury

Supporting your loved one during a DUI defense case

As a family member, it’s only natural to protect and advise your loved one during life’s challenges. When he or she goes through something as painful and confusing as a DUI charge, knowing how to offer support and advice can be instrumental. The legal issues that often accompany a DUI defense case m… read more

Posted in DUI

Why I became a criminal defense lawyer

Ever since I was a teenager, I wanted to be a criminal defense lawyer. I thought the courtroom and trying cases would be fun – and I’d always found criminal law the most interesting. I also believed protecting clients’ constitutional rights would be very fulfilling.

After law school at the Univer… read more

New Laws Passed in 2016 (Police Quotas Unlawful in SC)

I found a handful of interesting laws that were enacted in 2016, most of which passed and were signed into law by Governor Haley with no fanfare.  For instance, South Carolina Code Section 23-1-245 deems police quotas unlawful.  Specifically, the statue mandates that a law enforcement agency may not… read more

Posted in Criminal Law

Coffee Jitters = DUI?

A California man was charged wtih DUI and there was nothing in his system except for Caffeine.  The man was pulled over by an undercover agent with the California Alcohol and Beverage Control agency and arrested for Driving Under the Influence.  He registered .00% on the breath test and a blood draw… read more

Posted in DUI

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